Experience with a new valvulotome for lower-extremity revascularization procedures by the in situ method

H. Dardik, R. Vazquez, F. Silvestri, I. M. Ibrahim, B. Sussman, M. Kahn, F. Wolodiger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Between November 1990 and November 1992, 50 consecutive cases requiring lower-extremity revascularization by the in situ method were compared with regard to use of two different valve cutters, the Hail valvulotome and the Insitucat. There were no amputations in patients with patent grafts, nor were any infections or false aneurysms noted during the course of this study. In the Insitucat group (n = 25), primary patency was achieved in 19 cases. Five of the six graft failures underwent additional procedures of which three remained patent, adding to the secondary patency rate (22 of 25). The greatest problem with regard to maintaining primary graft patency was that of missed or retained valves, but the incidence of this problem decreased during the course of this study as experience was gained with the catheter in conjunction with angioscopy. Experience with the Insitucat valvulotome has demonstrated its efficacy, though enhanced by monitoring the results with angioscopy. The development and discovery of focal stenotic areas and retained valves by surveillance sonography have resulted in enhanced (assisted) primary graft patency rates. The incidence of these problems appears to be comparable with that occurring with other means of producing valvular incompetence for an in situ reconstruction where valvulotomes of similar design are employed. This was confirmed by comparative analysis with another group of 25 in situ vein bypasses performed during the same time period but during the Hall valvulotome.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)193-197
Number of pages5
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 1995
Externally publishedYes


  • cumulative patency
  • in situ bypass
  • missed valve
  • reoperation
  • valve incision
  • valvulotome


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