Erythropoiesis is distinct at each stage of ontogeny

Rona S. Weinberg, Liya He, Blanche P. Alter

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22 Scopus citations


In vitro erythropoiesis from fetuses, newborn infants, and adults was compared in methyl cellulose cultures. Fetal and newborn blood erythroid colony formation tended to be more sensitive to erythropoietin than adult. The day of maximal colony formation was earlier in fetal than in newborn or adult cultures. The number of colonies/100 000 mononuclear cells on d 13 of culture and on the day of peak growth was highest in fetal, intermediate in newborn, and lowest in adult cultures. Burst forming units-erythroid/mL of blood on culture d 13 and the day of peak growth were similar in fetuses and newborns, and both were significantly greater than in adults. The proportional synthesis of γ-globin in fetal colonies was 2-fold greater than in newborn colonies, and 6-fold greater than in adult colonies. Thus, fetal, newborn, and adult erythroid progenitor cultures are each unique with regard to erythropoietin sensitivity, growth time course, number of erythroid colonies, and the proportion of γ-globin synthesis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)170-175
Number of pages6
JournalPediatric Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1992


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