Erratum: The Public Repository of Xenografts Enables Discovery and Randomized Phase II-like Trials in Mice (Cancer Cell (2016) 29 (574–586))

Elizabeth C. Townsend, Mark A. Murakami, Alexandra Christodoulou, Amanda L. Christie, Johannes Köster, Tiffany A. DeSouza, Elizabeth A. Morgan, Scott P. Kallgren, Huiyun Liu, Shuo Chieh Wu, Olivia Plana, Joan Montero, Kristen E. Stevenson, Prakash Rao, Raga Vadhi, Michael Andreeff, Philippe Armand, Karen K. Ballen, Patrizia Barzaghi-Rinaudo, Sarah CahillRachael A. Clark, Vesselina G. Cooke, Matthew S. Davids, Daniel J. DeAngelo, David M. Dorfman, Hilary Eaton, Benjamin L. Ebert, Julia Etchin, Brant Firestone, David C. Fisher, Arnold S. Freedman, Ilene A. Galinsky, Hui Gao, Jacqueline S. Garcia, Francine Garnache-Ottou, Timothy A. Graubert, Alejandro Gutierrez, Ensar Halilovic, Marian H. Harris, Zachary T. Herbert, Steven M. Horwitz, Giorgio Inghirami, Andrew M. Intlekofer, Moriko Ito, Shai Izraeli, Eric D. Jacobsen, Caron A. Jacobson, Sébastien Jeay, Irmela Jeremias, Michelle A. Kelliher, Raphael Koch, Marina Konopleva, Nadja Kopp, Steven M. Kornblau, Andrew L. Kung, Thomas S. Kupper, Nicole R. LeBoeuf, Ann S. LaCasce, Emma Lees, Loretta S. Li, A. Thomas Look, Masato Murakami, Markus Muschen, Donna Neuberg, Samuel Y. Ng, Oreofe O. Odejide, Stuart H. Orkin, Rachel R. Paquette, Andrew E. Place, Justine E. Roderick, Jeremy A. Ryan, Stephen E. Sallan, Brent Shoji, Lewis B. Silverman, Robert J. Soiffer, David P. Steensma, Kimberly Stegmaier, Richard M. Stone, Jerome Tamburini, Aaron R. Thorner, Paul van Hummelen, Martha Wadleigh, Marion Wiesmann, Andrew P. Weng, Jens U. Wuerthner, David A. Williams, Bruce M. Wollison, Andrew A. Lane, Anthony Letai, Monica M. Bertagnolli, Jerome Ritz, Myles Brown, Henry Long, Jon C. Aster, Margaret A. Shipp, James D. Griffin, David M. Weinstock

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

42 Scopus citations


(Cancer Cell 29, 574–586; April 11, 2016) In the originally published version of this article, coauthor Andrew M. Intlekofer was listed incorrectly as Andrew M. Intlekoffer and coauthor Nicole R. LeBoeuf was listed incorrectly as Nicole LaBoeuf. These errors have now been corrected here and in the article online. The authors apologize for the errors and any inconvenience that may have resulted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)183
Number of pages1
JournalCancer Cell
Issue number1
StatePublished - 11 Jul 2016
Externally publishedYes


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