Erratum: A common mutation in the COG7 gene with a consistent phenotype including microcephaly, adducted thumbs, growth retardation, VSD and episodes of hyperthermia (European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) vol. 15 (638-645) 10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201813)

Eva Morava, Renate Zeevaert, Eckhard Korsch, Karin Huijben, Suzan Wopereis, Gert Matthijs, Kathelijn Keymolen, Dirk J. Lefeber, Linda De Meirleir, Ron A. Wevers

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)819
Number of pages1
JournalEuropean Journal of Human Genetics
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2007

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