Energy exchange in the rat's brain during chronic stress

G. M. Burdzhanadze, N. T. Dachanidze, M. S. Karapetian, K. O. Menabde, N. I. Koshoridze

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Dynamic trends of changes in the activity of creatinkinase, aldolase and succinatedehydrogenase in brain cells under 30-day long stress induced by isolation and violated diurnal cycle were studied. It was shown that these enzymes heterogeneously responded to 30-day long stress. Particular sensitivity was recorded succinatedehydrogenase that showed the decline of activity in various sections of the brain at 60-80% on average. Unlike succinatedehydrogenase, aldolase activity increased on the 10th day of stress and then declined. Similar results were seen in relation to phosphokinase activity. It was observed that the change in the activity of the enzymes in question was accompanied by quantitative changes in nitric oxide NO. In accordance with experimental data we suggested that the main signal molecule causing changes in enzyme activity should be NO.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)84-89
Number of pages6
JournalGeorgian medical news
Issue number167
StatePublished - Feb 2009


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