Effect of functional sympathetic nervous system impairment of the liver and abdominal visceral adipose tissue on circulating triglyceride-rich lipoproteins

Michael F.La Fountaine, Christopher M. Cirnigliaro, Steven C. Kirshblum, Cristin McKenna, William A. Bauman

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26 Scopus citations


Background Interruption of sympathetic innervation to the liver and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) in animal models has been reported to reduce VAT lipolysis and hepatic secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and concentrations of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles. Whether functional impairment of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) innervation to tissues of the abdominal cavity reduce circulating concentrations of triglyceride (TG) and VLDL particles (VLDL-P) was tested in men with spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods One hundred-Three non-Ambulatory men with SCI [55 subjects with neurologic injury at or proximal to the 4th thoracic vertebrae ("T4); 48 subjects with SCI at or distal to the 5th thoracic vertebrae (#T5)] and 53 able-bodied (AB) subjects were studied. Fasting blood samples were obtained for determination of TG, VLDL-P concentration by NMR spectroscopy, serum glucose by autoanalyzer, and plasma insulin by radioimmunoassay. VAT volume was determined by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry imaging with calculation by a validated proprietary software package. Results Significant group main effects for TG and VLDL-P were present; post-hoc tests revealed that serum TG concentrations were significantly higher in #T5 group compared to AB and →T4 groups [150±9 vs. 101±8 (p<0.01) and 112±8 mg/dl (p<0.05), respectively]. VLDL-P concentration was significantly elevated in #T5 group compared to AB and "T4 groups [74 ±4 vs. 58±4 (p<0.05) and 55±4 μmol/l (p<0.05)]. VAT volume was significantly higher in both SCI groups than in the AB group, and HOMA-IR was higher and approached significance in the SCI groups compared to the AB group. A linear relationship between triglyceride rich lipoproteins (i.e., TG or Large VLDL-P) and VAT volume or HOMA-IR was significant only in the #T5 group. Conclusions Despite a similar VAT volume and insulin resistance in both SCI groups, the #T5 group had significantly higher serum TG and VLDL-P values than that observed in the "T4 and the AB control groups. Thus, level of injury is an important determinate of the concentration of circulating triglyceride rich lipoproteins, which may play a role in the genesis of cardiometabolic dysfunction.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0173934
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2017


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