Diversity in academic medicine no. 5: Successful programs in minority faculty development overview

Ann Gel S. Palermo, Maria L. Soto-Greene, Vera S. Taylor, Ray Cornbill, Jerry Johnson, Monica Rivera Mindt, Desiree Byrd, Gary C. Butts, Janice Herbert-Carter, Yvonne W. Fry-Johnson, Quentin T. Smith, George Rust, A. Hal Strelnick

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Despite recent drastic cutbacks in federal funding for programs to diversify academic medicine, many such programs survive and continue to set examples for others of how to successfully increase the participation of minorities underrepresented in the healthcare professions and, in particular, how to increase physician and nonphysician minority medical faculty. This article provides an overview of such programs, including those in historically black colleges and universities, minority-serving institutions, research-intensive private and public medical schools, and more primary care - oriented public medical schools. Although the models for faculty development developed by these successful schools overlap, each has unique features worthy of consideration by other schools seeking to develop programs of their own. The ingredients of success are discussed in detail in another article in this theme issue of the Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, "Successful Programs in Minority Faculty Development: Ingredients of Success."

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)523-532
Number of pages10
JournalMount Sinai Journal of Medicine
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2008


  • Academic diversity
  • Academic medicine
  • Center for excellence
  • Faculty development program
  • Historically black colleges and universities
  • Minority faculty
  • Minority faculty development
  • Minority-serving institution
  • Northeast Consortium for Minority Faculty Development
  • Underrepresented minority


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