Diabetes Care in Romania: A Lesson on the Central Role of Lifestyle Medicine

Anca Hâncu, Gabriela Roman, Cornelia Bala, Bogdan Timar, Deiana Roman, Diana Păun, Jeffrey I. Mechanick

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


In this narrative review, diabetes care in Romania is discussed in terms of epidemiological data, lifestyle medicine, and research/knowledge/practice gaps. The principal drivers of cardiometabolic-based chronic disease—adiposity and dysglycemia—are manifest in Romania at concerning levels. Diabetes prevalence in Romania is 8.4%–11.6% of which 21.3% are unaware. Obesity prevalence in Romania is 31.9% and correlated with adverse lifestyle trends and cardiovascular risk. The large epidemiological studies conducted in Romania are highlighted to fully portray the magnitude of how lifestyle, diabetes, and cardiometabolic risk are related. Knowledge gaps among patients regarding this health risk are in large part due to low health literacy in the Romanian population. Educational programs and delivery of lifestyle medicine in structured centers are outlined as potential solutions to close knowledge and practice gaps. Understanding how lifestyle medicine issues affect diabetes and cardiometabolic care in Romania can prompt transformative management strategies in other ethnocultural settings across the globe.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAmerican Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
StateAccepted/In press - 2023


  • Romania
  • cardiometabolic risk
  • diabetes
  • lifestyle medicine
  • lifestyle medicine center
  • obesity


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