Costing of a Multiple Family Group Strengthening Intervention (SMART Africa) to Improve Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health in Uganda

Yesim Tozan, Ariadna Capasso, Phionah Namatovu, Joshua Kiyingi, Christopher Damulira, Josephine Nabayinda, Ozge Sensoy Bahar, Mary M. McKay, Kimberly Hoagwood, Fred M. Ssewamala

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Reliable cost estimates are key to assessing the feasibility, affordability, and cost-effectiveness of interventions. We estimated the economic costs of a multiple family group (MFG) intervention-child and adolescent mental health evidence-based practices (CAMH-EBP) implemented under the SMART Africa study, seeking to improve family functioning and reduce child and adolescent behavior problems-delivered through task-shifting by community health workers (CHWs) or parent peers (PPs) in school settings in Uganda. This prospective microcosting analysis was conducted from a provider perspective as part of a three-armed randomized controlled trial of the MFG intervention involving 2,391 participants aged 8-13 years and their caregivers in 26 primary schools. Activity-specific costs were estimated and summed, and divided by actual participant numbers in each study arm to conservatively calculate total per-child costs by arm. Total per-child costs of the MFG-PP and MFG-CHW arms were estimated at US$346 and US$328, respectively. The higher per-child cost of the MFG-PP arm was driven by lower than anticipated attendance by participants recruited to this arm. Personnel costs were the key cost driver, accounting for approximately 70% of total costs because of intensive supervision and support provided to MFG facilitators and intervention quality assurance efforts. This is the first study estimating the economic costs of an evidence-based MFG intervention provided through task-shifting strategies in a low-resource setting. Compared with the costs of other family-based interventions ranging between US$500 and US$900 in similar settings, the MFG intervention had a lower per-participant cost; however, few comparisons are available in the literature. More costing studies on CAMH-EBPs in low-resource settings are needed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1078-1085
Number of pages8
JournalThe American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
Issue number4
StatePublished - 6 Apr 2022
Externally publishedYes


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