Cortico‐cortical connections and cytoarchitectonics of the primate vestibular cortex: A study in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)

W. O. Guldin, S. Akbarian, O. ‐J Grüsser

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176 Scopus citations


The cortical connections of two vestibular fields [parieto‐insular vestibular cortex (PIVC) and area 3aV] were studied in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) by means of retrograde tracer techniques. Small iontophoretic or pressure injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), wheat‐germ‐HRP, Nuclear Yellow, and Fast Blue were administered to the cytoarchitectonic areas Ri (PIVC), 3aV, the parieto‐temporal association area T3, the granular insula (Ig), and the rostral part of area 7 (7ant). The injection sites were physiologically characterized by means of microelectrode recordings and vestibular, optokinetic, or somatosensory stimulation: Area Ri is the region of the parieto‐insular vestibular cortex (PIVC) as defined in macaques. The neck‐trunk region of area 3a (area 3aV) also contains many neurons responding to stimulation of semicircular canal receptors. Some neurons of area T3 bordering on the PIVC also receive vestibular signals, but most neurons in area T3 responded preferentially to large‐field optokinetic stimulation and not to vestibular stimulation. In none of the areas mentioned wereresponses to otolith stimulation found. The PIVC receives inputs from frontal and parietal cortical areas, especially areas 8a, 6, 3a, 3aV, 2, and 7ant. Area T3 receives signals from theinsular and retroinsular cortex, various parts of area 7, visual areas of the parieto‐occipital and parieto‐temporal regions (area 19) and from a sector of the upper bank of the temporal sulcus (STS‐area). The cortical afferents to area 3aV stem from areas 24, 4, 6, 7ant, from other parts of the primary somatosensory cortex, the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII), the retroinsular cortex (Ri), and the granular insula (Ig). In the border region of the areas 2 and 7ant, labelled neurons appeared after injections into both the PIVC and the area 3aV. This region is presumably the homologue to the vestibular area 2v of the macaque brain. In all regions cells within the contralateral cortex were less frequently labelled than cells in the homologous structures of the ipsilateral hemisphere. The cortical system for processing vestibular information about head‐in‐space movement consists mainly of the reciprocally interconnected areas PIVC and 3aV, and most likely of border regions of area 2 and 7ant. This “inner cortical vestibular circuit” also receives signals from two other cortical sensory systems, the somatosensory‐proprioceptive system mediated by the primary somatosensory cortex and the visual movement system (optokinetic or visual flow signals). These visual movement signals reach PIVC via area 19 and area T3. The cortical somatosensory and visual inputs mayupdate the multimodal (proprioceptive, visual, and vestibular) signal integration already occuring in the afferent vestibular system at the level of brainstem vestibular nuclei. Furthermore, the PIVC, area 3aV, and area T3 are connected to the same parts of area 6, the granular insula, area 7ant, and the anterior cingulate region. Therefore, circumscribed parts of the premotor, cingulate, insular, and parietal association cortex participate in the cortical network monitoring head and body movements in space. © 1992 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)375-401
Number of pages27
JournalJournal of Comparative Neurology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 15 Dec 1992
Externally publishedYes


  • head movement
  • multimodal integration
  • parietal
  • proprioception
  • retrograde tracer


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