Correction to: Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support (LNCS 11797,

Kenji Suzuki, Mauricio Reyes, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Ender Konukoglu, Ben Glocker, Roland Wiest, Yaniv Gur, Hayit Greenspan, Anant Madabhushi

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


Correction to: K. Suzuki et al. (Eds.): Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support, LNCS 11797, The chapter titled “Incorporating Task-Speci fi c Structural Knowledge into CNNs for Brain Midline Shift Detection” was revised. The names of two authors were spelled incorrectly and the grant number was missing the fi nal digit. This was corrected. The original version of this book was revised. Due to an error, the volume editor’s affiliation “ETH Zurich” appeared on SpringerLink instead of his name “Ender Konukoglu.” This was fixed.


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