1 Scopus citations


A maximal lung inflation is known to alter airway tone in man. Recent investigations, examining how this phenomenon relates to bronchial provocation testing, suggest that a deep inspiration will decrease airway resistance and underestimate the subsequent decrement in lung function following airway challenge. Because the recovery of baseline tone is rapid following a deep inspiration, we evaluated the consistency of three consecutive partial and maximal expiratory flow-volume maneuvers performed at approximately 45 to 60-second intervals. Functional parameters including the forced expiratory volume in 1 s and the maximal expiratory flow at 60% of the vital capacity below total lung capacity on the partial curve (MEF40%P) were constant at each measurement point following induced bronchoconstriction or bronchodilation in both healthy and asthmatic subjects. We suggest that with 45 s between maneuvers, repeatable parameters can be attained from three consecutive flow-volume curves.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)214-219
Number of pages6
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1988


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