Comparison of endorectal coil and nonendorectal coil T2W and diffusion-weighted MRI at 3 Tesla for localizing prostate cancer: Correlation with whole-mount histopathology

Baris Turkbey, Maria J. Merino, Elma Carvajal Gallardo, Vijay Shah, Omer Aras, Marcelino Bernardo, Esther Mena, Dagane Daar, Ardeshir R. Rastinehad, W. Marston Linehan, Bradford J. Wood, Peter A. Pinto, Peter L. Choyke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

135 Scopus citations


Purpose To compare utility of T2-weighted (T2W) MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI-MRI) obtained with and without an endorectal coil at 3 Tesla (T) for localizing prostate cancer. Materials and Methods This Institutional Review Board-approved study included 20 patients (median prostate-specific antigen, 8.4 ng/mL). Patients underwent consecutive prostate MRIs at 3T, first with a surface coil alone, then with combination of surface, endorectal coils (dual coil) followed by robotic assisted radical prostatectomy. Lesions were mapped at time of acquisition on dual-coil T2W, DWI-MRI. To avoid bias, 6 months later nonendorectal coil T2W, DWI-MRI were mapped. Both MRI evaluations were performed by two readers blinded to pathology with differences resolved by consensus. A lesion-based correlation with whole-mount histopathology was performed. Results At histopathology 51 cancer foci were present ranging in size from 2 to 60 mm the sensitivity of the endorectal dual-coil, nonendorectal coil MRIs were 0.76, 0.45, respectively. PPVs for endorectal dual-coil, nonendorectal coil MRI were 0.80, 0.64, respectively. Mean size of detected lesions with nonendorectal coil MRI were larger than those detected by dual-coil MRI (22 mm versus 17.4 mm). Conclusion Dual-coil prostate MRI detected more cancer foci than nonendorectal coil MRI. While nonendorectal coil MRI is an attractive alternative, physicians performing prostate MRI should be aware of its limitations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1443-1448
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • 3 Tesla
  • MRI
  • endorectal coil
  • prostate cancer
  • surface coil


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