Clinical criteria accurately diagnose severe but not moderate alcohol-associated hepatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Nipun Verma, Rohit Mehtani, Jacob Martin Haiar, Pranita Pradhan, Ajay Duseja, Gene Young Im, Ashwani K. Singal

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Background: The precision of clinical criteria and the utility of liver biopsy for diagnosis or prognosis remain unclear in patients with alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH). We systematically reviewed the literature to answer these questions. Methods: Four databases were searched for studies describing the precision of clinical criteria (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, European Association for Study of Liver, or classical) and the role of histology in AH. The precision(positive predictive value) of criteria was pooled through random-effects meta-analysis, and its variation was investigated through subgroups and meta-regression of study-level factors with their percent contribution to variation (R2). The risk of bias among studies was evaluated through the QUADAS2 tool (PROSPERO-ID-CRD4203457250). Results: Of 4320 studies, 18 in the systematic review and 15 (10/5: low/high risk of bias, N = 1639) were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled precision of clinical criteria was 80.2% (95% CI: 69.7–89.7, I2:93%, p < 0.01), higher in studies with severe AH (mean-Model for End-Stage Liver Disease > 20) versus moderate AH (mean-Model for End-Stage Liver Disease < 20): 92% versus 67.1%, p < 0.01, and in studies with serum bilirubin cutoff 5 versus 3 mg/dL (88.5% vs.78.8%, p = 0.01). The factors contributing to variation in precision were Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (R2:72.7%), upper gastrointestinal bleed (R2:56.3%), aspartate aminotransferase: aspartate aminotransferase ratio (R2:100%), clinical criteria (R2:40.9%), bilirubin (R2:22.5%), and Mallory body on histology (R2:19.1%). The net inter-pathologist agreement for histologic findings of AH was variable (0.33–0.97), best among 2 studies describing AH through simple and uniform criteria, including steatosis, ballooning, and neutrophilic inflammation. Few studies reported the utility of histology in estimating steroid responsiveness (N = 1) and patient prognosis (N = 4); however, very broad septa, pericellular fibrosis, and cholestasis were associated with mortality. Bilirubinostasis was associated with infection in 1 study. Conclusions: Clinical criteria are reasonably precise for diagnosing severe AH, while there is an unmet need for better criteria for diagnosing moderate AH. Histologic diagnosis of AH should be simple and uniform.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0404
JournalHepatology Communications
Issue number4
StatePublished - 18 Mar 2024


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