Chorionic villus sampling: Transabdominal versus transcervical approach in more than 4000 cases

Mordechai Hallak, Mark P. Johnson, Peter G. Pryde, Nelson B. Isada, Ivan E. Zador, Mark I. Evans

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Objective: To address the evolving trends in the choice of transabdominal or transcervical chorionic villus sampling (CVS) at a teaching hospital and to evaluate the influence of gestational age on the approach chosen. Methods: We analyzed our CVS data base, which contained information from 1986–1991. The proportions of transabdominal and transcervical CVS were tabulated for each year. In addition, the distribution of the CVS approaches over the various gestational ages was examined. Results: During the study period, 4290 CVS procedures were performed. The rate of the transabdominal technique was stable at about 15% per year except for the first 2 years, when essentially all procedures were transcervical. Use of transabdominal CVS increased with advancing gestational age, from 3.6% at less than 10 weeks’ gestation to 97.6% at greater than 14 weeks (χ2 = 120, P < .001; r = 0.791). Conclusions: The choice between the transabdominal and transcervical approach to CVS largely reflects the route emphasized during the physician’s training. When choice is based strictly on technical limitations due to placental position, the overall transabdominal CVS rate is approximately 15%. A shift from transcervical to transabdominal CVS occurs with increasing gestational age as the placenta gains bulk and moves away from the cervix. After 14 weeks’ gestation, most procedures are performed transabdominally.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)349-352
Number of pages4
JournalObstetrics and Gynecology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1992
Externally publishedYes


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