Characterization of high-risk HIV-1 seronegative hemophiliacs

Janelle R. Salkowitz, Scott F. Purvis, Howard Meyerson, Peter Zimmerman, Thomas R. O'Brien, Louis Aledort, M. Elaine Eyster, Margaret Hilgartner, Craig Kessler, Barbara A. Konkle, Gilbert C. White, James J. Goedert, Michael M. Lederman

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53 Scopus citations


Mechanisms that protect most high-risk HIV-1 seronegative (HRSN) persons are not well understood. Among hemophiliacs from the Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study who remained HIV-1 seronegative despite a high (94%) risk for acquisition of HIV-1 infection, only 7/43 were homozygous for the protective CCR5 Δ32 polymorphism. Among the remainder, neither CCR5 density nor β-chemokine production, nor in vitro susceptibility to infection with the HIV-1 isolate JR-FL could distinguish HRSN hemophiliacs from healthy controls. When compared to lymphocytes of healthy controls not at risk for HIV-1 infection, diminished spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation was seen in lymphocytes of HRSN hemophiliacs as well as in lymphocytes of hemophiliacs not at risk for HIV-1 infection. Surprisingly sera/plasmas obtained from high-risk HIV-1 seropositve hemophiliacs prior to seroconversion more often contained alloreactive antibodies than date-matched sera/plasmas obtained from HRSN hemophiliacs. Thus alloreactivity may predispose to acquisition of HIV-1 infection after parenteral exposure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)200-211
Number of pages12
JournalClinical Immunology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2001


  • Alloreactive antibodies
  • CCR5
  • HIV-1
  • HLA
  • Multicenter hemophilia cohort study
  • β-chemokines


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