Behavioral therapy for the treatment of refractory interstitial cystitis

D. C. Chaiken, J. G. Blaivas, S. T. Blaivas

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61 Scopus citations


The short-term results of behavioral therapy in 42 women with refractory symptoms of interstitial cystitis were retrospectively analyzed. All patients had persistent symptoms at least 2 years in duration despite undergoing a number of empiric therapies. Symptoms included urinary frequency and urgency of at least once every 2 hours during waking hours and persistent pain or discomfort in the suprapubic, perineal or pelvic area. Treatment consisted of diary keeping, timed voiding, controlled fluid intake and pelvic floor muscle training techniques. After a mean of 12 weeks of treatment the inter-voiding interval increased in all patients by a mean of 93 minutes (p <0.01) and 98% experienced a decrease in the number of micturitions per day by a mean of 9 (p <0.01). Using a global assessment scale 50% of the patients reported that the symptoms were markedly improved and 38% were improved. These data confirm the short-term efficacy of behaviorial therapy in selected patients with symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1445-1448
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Urology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1993
Externally publishedYes


  • behavior therapy
  • bladder diseases
  • cystitis


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