AUDIOME: a tiered exome sequencing–based comprehensive gene panel for the diagnosis of heterogeneous nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss

Qiaoning Guan, Jorune Balciuniene, Kajia Cao, Zhiqian Fan, Sawona Biswas, Alisha Wilkens, Daniel J. Gallo, Emma Bedoukian, Jennifer Tarpinian, Pushkala Jayaraman, Mahdi Sarmady, Matthew Dulik, Avni Santani, Nancy Spinner, Ahmad N. Abou Tayoun, Ian D. Krantz, Laura K. Conlin, Minjie Luo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


Purpose: Hereditary hearing loss is highly heterogeneous. To keep up with rapidly emerging disease-causing genes, we developed the AUDIOME test for nonsyndromic hearing loss (NSHL) using an exome sequencing (ES) platform and targeted analysis for the curated genes. Methods: A tiered strategy was implemented for this test. Tier 1 includes combined Sanger and targeted deletion analyses of the two most common NSHL genes and two mitochondrial genes. Nondiagnostic tier 1 cases are subjected to ES and array followed by targeted analysis of the remaining AUDIOME genes. Results: ES resulted in good coverage of the selected genes with 98.24% of targeted bases at >15 ×. A fill-in strategy was developed for the poorly covered regions, which generally fell within GC-rich or highly homologous regions. Prospective testing of 33 patients with NSHL revealed a diagnosis in 11 (33%) and a possible diagnosis in 8 cases (24.2%). Among those, 10 individuals had variants in tier 1 genes. The ES data in the remaining nondiagnostic cases are readily available for further analysis. Conclusion: The tiered and ES-based test provides an efficient and cost-effective diagnostic strategy for NSHL, with the potential to reflex to full exome to identify causal changes outside of the AUDIOME test.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1600-1608
Number of pages9
JournalGenetics in Medicine
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • exome sequencing
  • hearing loss
  • next-generation sequencing panel
  • reflex
  • tier


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