Another search for the "hot" cognitions: Appraisal, irrational beliefs, attributions, and their relation to emotion

Daniel David, Julie Schnur, Alexandra Belloiu

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

133 Scopus citations


One study examined the hypothesized status of appraisal and irrational beliefs relative to attributions, as proximal antecedents of emotion. In our study, which looked at 4 pairs of functional and dysfunctional negative emotions (i.e., concern/anxiety, sadness/depression, remorse/guilt, annoyance/ anger), undergraduates (N = 120) reported on their attributions, appraisal, irrational beliefs, and emotions during past encounters associated with various negative events. Congruent with both Smith and Lazarus' (1993) appraisal theory and Ellis' (1994) cognitive theory of emotion, the results of this study indicate that the emotions (both functional and dysfunctional negative emotions) were more directly associated with appraisal and with irrational beliefs (dysfunctional negative emotions only) than they were with attributions. Also, irrational beliefs were strongly associated with appraisal; while demandingness (DEM) was associated more with primary appraisal, awfulizing/catastrophizing, low frustration tolerance, and global evaluation of human worth (including self-downing) were associated more with secondary appraisal. Dysfunctional emotions seem to involve primary appraisal associated with DEM while functional emotions involve primary appraisal associated with preferences. These findings lend to support the status of appraisal and irrational beliefs as the proximal cognitive antecedents of emotion and the status of irrational beliefs as a differencing factor between functional and dysfunctional emotions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93-131
Number of pages39
JournalJournal of Rational - Emotive and Cognitive - Behavior Therapy
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2002


  • Appraisal
  • Attribution
  • Functional and dysfunctional emotions
  • Irrational beliefs


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