Analysis of Liver Offers to Pediatric Candidates on the Transplant Wait List

Evelyn K. Hsu, Michele L. Shaffer, Lucy Gao, Christopher Sonnenday, Michael L. Volk, John Bucuvalas, Jennifer C. Lai

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

56 Scopus citations


Background & Aims Approximately 10% of children on the liver transplant wait-list in the United States die every year. We examined deceased donor liver offer acceptance patterns and their contribution to pediatric wait-list mortality. Methods We performed a retrospective cohort study of children on the US liver transplant wait-list from 2007 through 2014 using national transplant registry databases. We determined the frequency, patterns of acceptance, and donor and recipient characteristics associated with deceased donor liver organ offers for children who died or were delisted compared with those who underwent transplantation. Children who died or were delisted were classified by the number of donor liver offers (0 vs 1 or more), limiting analyses to offers of livers that were ultimately transplanted into pediatric recipients. The primary outcome was death or delisting on the wait-list. Results Among 3852 pediatric liver transplant candidates, children who died or were delisted received a median 1 pediatric liver offer (inter-quartile range, 0–2) and waited a median 33 days before removal from the wait-list. Of 11,328 donor livers offered to children, 2533 (12%) were transplanted into children; 1179 of these (47%) were immediately accepted and 1354 (53%) were initially refused and eventually accepted for another child. Of 27,831 adults, 1667 (6.0%; median, 55 years) received livers from donors younger than 18 years (median, 15 years), most (97%) allocated locally or regionally. Of children who died or were delisted, 173 (55%) received an offer of 1 or more liver that was subsequently transplanted into another pediatric recipient, and 143 (45%) died or were delisted with no offers. Conclusions Among pediatric liver transplant candidates in the US, children who died or were delisted received a median 1 pediatric liver offer and waited a median of 33 days. Of livers transplanted into children, 47% were immediately accepted and 53% were initially refused and eventually accepted for another child. Of children who died or were delisted, 55% received an offer of 1 or more liver that was subsequently transplanted into another pediatric recipient, and 45% died or were delisted with no offers. Pediatric prioritization in the allocation and development of improved risk stratification systems is required to reduce wait-list mortality among children.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)988-995
Number of pages8
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Allocation
  • Liver Transplant
  • Organ Offers
  • Pediatric


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