An Internet- and Kinect-Based Multiple Sclerosis Fitness Intervention Training With Pilates Exercises: Development and Usability Study

Andrea Tacchino, Michela Ponzio, Paolo Confalonieri, Letizia Leocani, Matilde Inglese, Diego Centonze, Eleonora Cocco, Paolo Gallo, Damiano Paolicelli, Marco Rovaris, Loredana Sabattini, Gioacchino Tedeschi, Luca Prosperini, Francesco Patti, Placido Bramanti, Elisabetta Pedrazzoli, Mario Alberto Battaglia, Giampaolo Brichetto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Balance impairments are common in people with multiple sclerosis (MS), with reduced ability to maintain position and delayed responses to postural adjustments. Pilates is a popular alternative method for balance training that may reduce the rapid worsening of symptoms and the increased risk of secondary conditions (eg, depression) that are frequently associated with physical inactivity. Objective: In this paper, we aimed to describe the design, development, and usability testing of MS Fitness Intervention Training (MS-FIT), a Kinect-based tool implementing Pilates exercises customized for MS. Methods: MS-FIT has been developed using a user-centered design approach (design, prototype, user feedback, and analysis) to gain the target user’s perspective. A team composed of 1 physical therapist, 2 game programmers, and 1 game designer developed the first version of MS-FIT that integrated the knowledge and experience of the team with MS literature findings related to Pilates exercises and balance interventions based on exergames. MS-FIT, developed by using the Unity 3D (Unity Technologies) game engine software with Kinect Sensor V2 for Windows, implements exercises for breathing, posture, and balance. Feedback from an Italian panel of experts in MS rehabilitation (neurologists, physiatrists, physical therapists, 1 statistician, and 1 bioengineer) and people with MS was collected to customize the tool for use in MS. The context of MS-FIT is traveling around the world to visit some of the most important cities to learn the aspects of their culture through pictures and stories. At each stay of the travel, the avatar of a Pilates teacher shows the user the exercises to be performed. Overall, 9 people with MS (n=4, 44% women; mean age 42.89, SD 11.97 years; mean disease duration 10.19, SD 9.18 years; Expanded Disability Status Scale score 3.17, SD 0.75) were involved in 3 outpatient user test sessions of 30 minutes; MS-FIT’s usability was assessed through an ad hoc questionnaire (maximum value=5; higher the score, higher the usability) evaluating easiness to use, playability, enjoyment, satisfaction, and acceptance. Results: A user-centered design approach was used to develop an accessible and challenging tool for balance training. All people with MS (9/9, 100%) completed the user test sessions and answered the ad hoc questionnaire. The average score on each item ranged from 3.78 (SD 0.67) to 4.33 (SD 1.00), which indicated a high usability level. The feedback and suggestions provided by 64% (9/14) of people with MS and 36% (5/14) of therapists involved in the user test were implemented to refine the first prototype to release MS-FIT 2.0. Conclusions: The participants reported that MS-FIT was a usable tool. It is a promising system for enhancing the motivation and engagement of people with MS in performing exercise with the aim of improving their physical status.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere41371
JournalJMIR Serious Games
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Kinect
  • MS-FIT
  • Multiple Sclerosis Fitness Intervention Training
  • Pilates
  • balance
  • exercise
  • exergame
  • mobile phone
  • multiple sclerosis
  • serious games


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