An exploratory study of anxiety-motivated gambling in adolescents: Associations with minority status and gambling, health and functioning measures

Emma Cardwell, Rani A. Hoff, Amir Garakani, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Marc N. Potenza, Zu Wei Zhai

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Gambling and anxiety are major public health concerns in adolescents and have been linked to emotion dysregulation and mood-modulating behaviors. While previous studies have shown links between positively reinforcing excitement-motivated gambling, health and functioning measures, and gambling perceptions and behavioral correlates in adolescents, few studies have examined such relationships relative to negatively reinforcing anxiety-motivated gambling (AMG). This study systematically examined relationships between adolescents reporting gambling to relieve anxiety (compared to those who gambled but did not report AMG) and measures of health/functioning and gambling-related measures. Participants included 1,856 Connecticut high-school students. Chi-square and logistic regression models were conducted. AMG was reported by 6.41% of the sample and was associated with identifying with a minority group (Black, Asian-American, Hispanic), at-risk/problem gambling, more permissive attitudes towards gambling, and higher odds of heavy alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and violence-related measures. Adolescents with AMG were more likely to report non-strategic gambling, and gambling to escape/relieve dysphoria and due to feeling pressure. Additional between-group differences were found for gambling types, locations, motivations, and partners. Together, AMG may represent a mood-modulating behavior indicative of multiple problematic concerns, suggesting that emotional dysregulation may be an important factor in understanding the relationship between anxiety, problem gambling, and risky behaviors in youth. Additionally, the negative reinforcing motivations to gamble to relieve anxiety may be relevant particularly to adolescents from underrepresented minority racial/ethnic groups, and the specific factors underlying this relationship warrant further investigation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)445-453
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Psychiatric Research
StatePublished - Jul 2022


  • Addictive behaviors
  • Adolescent
  • Anxiety
  • Gambling
  • Health disparities


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