Acoustic characteristic of microperforated panel in altering temperature

Peng Wang, Minqing Wang, Xiaobo Fan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Based on the acoustic absorption theory of microperforated panel and by the means of the theoretical analysis and emulation, the paper focuses on the acoustic characteristic including acoustic impedance, frequency and acoustic absorption coefficient of microperforated panel working in the combustion chamber which has high temperature and great temperature gradient. Changing laws affected by temperature changing are analyzed, and the changing laws of the effect on sound absorption due to the temperature changing and their emulation results are obtained. The analysis indicates that when the temperature rises, the relative acoustic resistance increases, the relative acoustic mass diminishes, the resonance frequency increases, the bandwidth broadens, and the absorption coefficient can get a maximum 1 in some temperature, and it decreases if the temperature falls away.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-269
Number of pages3
JournalZhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • Acoustic absorption coefficient
  • Combustion chamber
  • Frequency characteristics
  • Microperforated panel
  • Temperature altering


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