Aberrant class switching juxtaposes c-myc with a middle repetitive element (LINE) and an IgH intron in two spontaneously arising rat immunocytomas

W. S. Pear, S. F. Nelson, H. Axelson, G. Wahlstrom, H. Bazin, G. Klein, J. Sumegi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


Our previous studies of spontaneously arising rat immunocytomas of the Lou/Wsl strain have shown that Ig switch regions are frequently the targets for c-myc recombination. In several tumors, however, we were unable to show recombination of the c-myc with Ig switch regions. We have cloned the rearranged c-myc fragments from 2 of these tumors, IR209 and IR223, and found that the c-myc recombines with a LINE region in the IR209 and with intron 1 of the epsilon locus in the IR223. Although switch regions are not found at the breakpoints, the sequences at the breakpoints share limited homology with Ig switch recognition sequences. This suggests that the switch recombinase enzymes are able to recognize sequences in addition to the defined switch recombination sites. At the same time, both the LINE and epsilon intron 1 sequences are located within the Ig cluster, providing further evidence for the selection of c-myc activation by Ig sequences in the pathogenesis of rat immunocytoma, mouse plasmacytoma, and Burkitt's lymphoma.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)499-507
Number of pages9
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1988
Externally publishedYes


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