title = "A genome-wide association study and biological pathway analysis of epilepsy prognosis in a prospective cohort of newly treated epilepsy",
abstract = "We present the analysis of a prospective multicentre study to investigate genetic effects on the prognosis of newly treated epilepsy. Patients with a new clinical diagnosis of epilepsy requiring medication were recruited and followed up prospectively. The clinical outcome was defined as freedom from seizures for a minimum of 12 months in accordance with the consensus statement from the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). Genetic effects on remission of seizures after starting treatment were analysed with and without adjustment for significant clinical prognostic factors, and the results from each cohort were combined using a fixedeffects meta-analysis. After quality control (QC), we analysed 889 newly treated epilepsy patients using 472 450.",
author = "Doug Speed and Clive Hoggart and Slave Petrovski and Ioanna Tachmazidou and Alison Coffey and Andrea Jorgensen and Hariklia Eleftherohorinou and {De Iorio}, Maria and Marian Todaro and Tisham De and David Smith and Smith, {Philip E.} and Margaret Jackson and Paul Cooper and Mark Kellett and Stephen Howell and Mark Newton and Raju Yerra and Meng Tan and Chris French and Markus Reuber and Sills, {Graeme E.} and David Chadwick and Munir Pirmohamed and David Bentley and Ingrid Scheffer and Samuel Berkovic and David Balding and Aarno Palotie and Anthony Marson and O'Brien, {Terence J.} and Johnson, {Michael R.}",
note = "Funding Information: This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust (WT066056 to M.R.J.), The NIHR Biomedical Research Centres Scheme (P31753 to M.R.J.), Department of Health NHS Chair of Pharmacogenetics (to M.P.), The Medical Research Council (REF: 25105 to D.B. and M.R.J.), The Royal Melbourne Hospital Foundation Lottery Grants (REF: 604955 to S.P.) and The RMH Neuroscience Foundation (to T.J.O{\textquoteright}B.). M.R.J. conceived the UK study and coordinated the UK DNA collection. T.J.O{\textquoteright}B. conceived the Australian study and coordinated the Australian DNA collection. M.R.J., D.C., M.P. and D.B. obtained the funding to collect the UK DNA samples. T.J.O{\textquoteright}B. obtained the funding to collect Australian samples. M.R.J., D.C., M.P., D.B., A.P., A.M., S.P. and T.J.O{\textquoteright}B. obtained the funding to genotype the samples. Genomic data were analysed by D.S., C.H., I.T., S.P., A.J., A.P., M.D., T.D. and M.R.J. DNA samples and phenotypic information was collected and analysed by S.P., A.J., M.T., D.S., P.E.S., P.C., M.K., S.H., M.R., G.E.S., D.C., M.P., I.S., S.B., A.M., I.S., S.B., M.N., R.Y., M.T., C.F. and M.R.J. D.S., C.H., S.P. and M.R.J. drafted the manuscript. All authors reviewed and edited the manuscript. M.R.J. confirms that he has full access to all the data in the study and has final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.",
year = "2014",
month = jan,
doi = "10.1093/hmg/ddt403",
language = "English",
volume = "23",
pages = "247--258",
journal = "Human Molecular Genetics",
issn = "0964-6906",
publisher = "Oxford University Press",
number = "1",