A case of pulmonary nocardiosis diagnosed five years after hemoptysis

Kyoko Kudo, Satoshi Ikegame, Ichiro Inoshima, Hiroshi Ouchi, Eiji Harada, Taishi Harada, Masaki Fujita, Yoichi Nakanishi

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1 Scopus citations


A 73-year-old man complaining of bloody sputum was admitted to our hospital in August 2000. His giant left lower lung field bulla had been removed in 1997, at which time atelectasis in left S10 was pointed out. Production of bloody sputum was stopped by the emergency bronchial artery embolization, and Nocardia species was found in the sputum. Because of both spontaneous disappearance of Nocardia species and no evidence of Nocardia infection, he was followed carefully by chest radiography every few months. Consolidation appeared in the left lower lung field and right upper lung field in 2005. Nocardia asteroides was frequently obtained from his sputa and lavage fluid under bronchoscopy. Therefore, we diagnosed pulmonary nocardiosis. Oral cotrimoxazole (Trimetoprim 15 mg/kg) was started, the dosage was halved because of adverse effects. Six months of treatment with cotrimoxazole resulted in improvement of the Nocardiosis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)952-956
Number of pages5
JournalRespiratory Investigation
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2007
Externally publishedYes


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