Édito: Le GEAI s'est envolé...

Translated title of the contribution: Editorial: The Study Group for Autoimmune Diseases (GEAI) took off...

Jeremy Hughes, Ashley Jefferson, E. Raynaud De Mauverger, Gabriel Fernandez, I. Lowy, D. Molrine, B. Vingert, S. Perez-Patrigeon, P. Jeannin, Y. Bourne, Z. Radic, R. Aráoz, A. Weeks, G. Alia, R. Clarke, J. Peden, C. Steidl, T. Lee, S. Shah, S. LiangH. Wang, K. Newell, A. Asare, A. Kirk, A. Studebaker, C. Kreofsky, C. Pierson, C. Lam, T. Yoo, B. Hiner

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

Translated title of the contributionEditorial: The Study Group for Autoimmune Diseases (GEAI) took off...
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)3
Number of pages1
JournalRevue Francophone des Laboratoires
Issue number424
StatePublished - 2010

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